I speak to what resonates deeply for people - mattering - transforming lives and workplaces.

Looking for a speaker for your next conference or event, someone who your boss and audience will thank you for booking? Let’s chat.

Want do you want people to think, feel and do?

As an event organiser, you’ll have a clear view on what you want people to think, feel and do differently as a result of this event.  Events are expensive to organise, they are a significant investment in your people. I’m here to help you make the most of your event, to invoke real and lasting change.

When I’m working with groups, I am very intentional about the pathway I take them on. I challenge existing ways of thinking, of doing. I bring about conscious awareness of opportunities, and a new understanding of what matters, in their roles, and organisationally, through a mattering-reinforcing lens. I seek to evoke a resonance with my message so that when they hear it, they can’t unhear it, they can’t ignore the call to do things differently (whatever you are wanting that difference to be).

For me it’s a privilege to be part of an event, to take the stage, to be entrusted with the mindsets and hearts of those in the audience. And it’s an opportunity I take seriously. Events have a sacredness to them, when you bring people together to connect, there’s such a power to create heart-felt resonance that leads to transformation. That’s where I come in.

I work with event organisers who share my vision of what events can be. I’m not into crammed agendas, with speaker after speaker talking to their siloed area of expertise, where audiences listen (or not) to content that they may (or may not) understand the relevance of. I work with event organisers who have a clear understanding of the intent of the event and who are selective in the speakers that they choose, and the way they curate the day.

What do you want people for think, feel and do, as a consequence of attending?

The power of resonance

Mattering is a basic human need. That’s why my message resonates with audiences. Whether it’s a focus on mattering-reinforcing care, mattering-reinforcing leadership, mattering in the context of change or self-mattering, I am yet to find a conference or event focus, where mattering isn’t relevant.

Mattering provides a powerful way-in to unlocking people’s known and spoken, and unknown and unspoken, barriers or resistance to change. By speaking to a basic human need, audiences experience my message deeply. The line between personal and professional becomes blurred. I speak to people’s hearts and heads. I get to the core of people’s humanness. That’s the transformational power of what I do.

In preparing keynotes or workshops, I seek to create experiences.

As a researcher, I am also meticulous about ensuring what I share is research-based. I have been described as “the Brene Brown of mattering”. While that feels like an extraordinarily generous compliment, I do aim to turn research findings into practical ‘nuggets’, in a way that truly resonates.

Keynote topics

Through my keynotes, I share powerful stories and turn research-based findings into practical tools to inspire your people into action.

I customise topics for your context and need, related to mattering, care and support, human motivation and fulfilment, workplace engagement and workplace culture.

Here are some of my most requested speaking topics: 

Mattering-reinforcing leadership and culture

  • The power and practice of mattering at work

  • Embrace your leadership superpower

  • Find fulfilment in the everyday

  • The secret to unlocking employee engagement, motivation and well-being.

Mattering-reinforcing care

  • Care and support reimagined

  • Children matter too: rethinking how we view and care for grieving children

From Invisibility to Mattering: rethinking care and support for grieving children

I invite you to watch my TEDx talk, in which I share the findings of my PhD research that lead me to develop the approach, mattering-reinforcing care.